1329 Highland Ave, Suite 1
Needham, MA 02492
How to Keep Your Ex From Getting Your Estate

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It’s the start of a new year, which means tax season—and this year’s April 17th IRS filing deadline—is just around the corner. Soon you’ll be receiving tax forms such as your W-2 or 1099s, and you’ll start thinking about the…
It’s unrealistic to think that an estate plan you draft, reflecting your life at a certain time, will work when your life has completely changed some years later. We’ll use the Kendrick family as an example. Meet the Kendricks Meet…
Estate plans are almost magical: they allow you to maintain control of your assets, yet protect you should you become incapacitated. They take care of your family and pets. And, if carefully crafted, they reduce fees, taxes, stress, and time…
While many wines get better with age, this is not always true with some irrevocable trusts. Maybe you’re the beneficiary of a trust created by your great-grandfather over seventy years ago, and that trust no longer makes sense. Or, perhaps you…
If your life or the law has changed since you signed your trust, it needs to be updated. Updates can be made by way of an amendment – or – a complete restatement. An amendment updates a particular part of…
When establishing a trust, you need to give serious thought to choosing your successor trustee—the person who will administer your trust once you’re no longer able to do so. This individual ideally should be: Someone you trust implicitly. Someone who…
So you’ve done the hard work of establishing an estate plan. Now you want to make sure that the strategy you’ve selected will maximize your peace of mind and protect your legacy. Here are 5 “stress test” questions to assess…